Our Team

Meet With

Our Top Expertise

Terry Sun

Chief Funding Analyst

Jane Leong

Head of Loan Operations Manager

Richmond Kwok

Head of Commercial Loan Documentation Specialist

Angela Man Li

Head Loan Auditor

Peter Che woo

Chief Loan Underwriter

Liu Xiao'ou

Head of Credit Underwriter

Financial Planning For Safe Investment

As long as your business plan is feasible we guarantee to investment 100% of the business with an low as low 3% annual interest rate.

Our Expertise

10 Years Of Experience
In Financial

For over 10 years our highly effective finance team has drive this company to its highest potential by building strategy relationship with client worldwide and making business decisions enabling business growth, and financial success, and ultimately setting a clear business direction.

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Approved Applicants

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Projects Funded

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Years of Experience


Professional Team